Conscience et Management ®
Welcome to Adventurium!
We offer tailor-made services for business leaders and managers who want to develop into humanistic leadership. Discover our unique “Conscience et Management ®” coaching service, based on five methods: Neurolinguistic programming, mental preparation, hypnosis, sophrology, and shamanism.
Discover the management of tomorrow!
Training for humans.

All services of Adventurium
Develop your awareness at the heart of your company.
Coaching Manager
Driving business transformation and unlock your employees’ creativity and capacity for innovation.
"Route du Soi"
A journey of self-discovery to develop self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-love.
Leadership Coaching
Embody positive and inspiring leadership, the key to successful management of tomorrow.

The Agora Circle
A 3-year certified training program to add value to your corporate projects.
Team spirit
Investing in the quality of workplace life for employee commitment and performance objectives.
The role of Adventurium: awaken, align, liberate, grow, transmit.
Stéphane Daguin
Coach, Trainer, Speaker, Adventurer.
Stéphane Daguin has been running his own business since 2005 and has trained with some of the world’s leading experts in altered states of consciousness (neurolinguistic programming, mental preparation, hypnosis, sophrology, shamanism… ) to develop his training method: “Conscience et Management ®” for the corporate world, and “Route du Soi ®” for individuals.

Inspiring journeys, “Route du SOI ®”, France
Morocco, Vietnam, Ladakh, “Indian Tibet”, Lapland, France…

“I had the opportunity to spend a training day with Stéphane Daguin and my employees. This day was very enriching and innovative compared to all the training done throughout my 30 years of sales activities. In 2019, my agency reached the first place of Nestenn agencies in France. “
“Stéphane, you guided me on an inner journey, a quest to understand my inner workings based on my fears, wounds, and beliefs. To understand ourselves better is to accept ourselves more deeply and to live a better relationship with others, both professionally in our management and personally.”
“The hosting is excellent because in truth Stéphane provides an ideal framework for this fundamental awareness and retrospection.
Alignment is essential for a balanced life! Stéphane is perfect in helping us to (re)become aware of it.
Head, Heart, Body! “
“This training was a moment of pure authenticity, serenity, and a meeting with my inner self.
During these two days, I allowed myself, thanks to Stéphane and also to the group, to visit myself and above all not to hate but to welcome my emotions and my reflections. “
Book your first 20-minute appointment
The purpose of this conversation is to discuss your needs in order for me to accompany you in the most appropriate way.
This call is free of charge and without obligation.
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